The Journey

Each coaching engagement is customized to my client’s needs. Our path includes a consultation, discovery, mission design and outcome.

It’s my purpose to help people believe in their abilities and achieve their full potential. During our sessions, we will manifest what you desire. We'll work towards becoming the person that your dog thinks you are… I kid :). This may include, but is not limited to, growth in the following areas: Career, relationships, family, health, emotions...

I offer personalized coaching to help identify what’s not serving you, and to discover what will. I’ll guide you. But ultimately, it’s you that’ll control and power your journey and growth. 

The Journey Phases

  • We will begin with a complementary 30 min consultation. During this time, we’ll explore your goals, and ways we can potentially work together. If we confirm that we’re a good fit, we’ll action a plan that works best for you and your schedule.

  • During the Lineup (or Discovery phase), we’ll go deeper. We’ll gain more clarity around your goals, while also defining your skill sets, purpose, and personal mission. We will analyze your current state, and explore your ideal state.

    This is the phase where we gain awareness to your thoughts, identify personal blockers, and discover opportunities for growth.

  • During the Drop-In (or Mission Design phase), we will build a path to your desired outcome. Creating this path will keep you focused, create accountability, and welcome any potential obstacles.

  • The outcome (or better said the Pura Vida phase), we acknowledge and celebrate progress. We prepare for future roadblocks. And we continue to reflect on how you can continue to evolve.